martes, 6 de mayo de 2014

Bloody Sunday Word Meanings

.- prosecute:"institute or conduct legal proceedings against (a person or organization).
"they were prosecuted for obstructing the highway"".
.-prospect:"the possibility or likelihood of some future event occurring.
"there was no prospect of a reconciliation"".
.-flee:"run away from a place or situation of danger. 
"To escape the fighting, his family fled from their village"".
.-cherry picking:"selectively choose (the most beneficial or profitable items, opportunities, etc.) from what is available.
"the company should buy the whole airline and not just cherry-pick its best assets"".
.-set in train:"if you set in train an activity or an event, you make it begin His book set in train the events which eventually led to revolution."
.-devolution:"Transference, as of rights or qualities, to a successor".
.-aftermath:"the consequences or after-effects of a significant unpleasant event.
"food prices soared in the aftermath of the drought".

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