lunes, 1 de septiembre de 2014

Opinion Essay Bibliography and Arguments

Suzanna Didier


It's not worth combatting global warming, we should learn to live with it.

1st argument:
Suzanna Didier(UNKNOWN). General format. Retrieved from

Global Warming is affecting everyone's lives, not only as a community but also as each person's daily routine. This article is an awesome example as how this happens in my opinion since you it explains the different areas where it affects.
For example, it affects the food price since global warming may damage crops sometimes, proceeding into less production. As another example we can see that fresh water is becoming scarcer in some regions. Scientists expect lake levels to drop as the climate continues to warm up, which also may affect it's price and availability.
As a conclusion, he believes the same that I do, it is clearly a big problem and we should not let it be, it's something worth combatting, he gives reasons and examples as how it could make our lives worse.

2nd argument(counter argument):

Dr. Ira Glickstein (2014, January 12). General format. Retrieved from
I seem unable to understand his point of view. According to him(Anonymous), since global warming is mainly caused by natural events, global warming isn't that big of a problem.
Well, from what I can say it is our job to cover those problems. Imagine there is a forest fire. It may or may have not been caused by humanity, but that doesn't matter. Wether it is or isn't our cause it still affects our lives. Living with it by ignoring it will just end in worse. You can see how this is demonstrated by how crops price goes up because of global warming. Bad weather (caused by global warming) will result in less crops, less crops means higher prices and lower food.

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