viernes, 25 de julio de 2014

Gladiator Screenplay

Commodus leaves the arena and goes inside to talk to one of his advisers. He is astonished after what happened.

Commodus: I can't believe what just happened! I have to do something about this.

Adviser: Sir, what you did was right. If you killed him they would've turned against you.

Commodus: But now they've noticed I'm no bigger than them! They'll soon turn against me anyway.

Adviser: You could kill him indirectly, pay someone to do the job.

Commodus: The information will leak after some time, but I like the idea of doing it indirectly.

Adviser: You could also make him fight 5 lions. There's no way he can get out of it alive.

Commodus: Awesome idea! I'll try that.

Commodus and Adviser leave the room.

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